Starry Stonewort found in Grand Lake! August 11, 2017
Please help stop the spread of this invasive species which could choke Grand lake.
More information on identification found here: MN DNR Starry Stonewort.
Contact Scott Palmer 320•249•1333, Jim Bartelme 734•730•7421 or Jim Meinz 320•249•3996 to report any suspicious weeds.
Please help stop the spread of this invasive species which could choke Grand lake.
More information on identification found here: MN DNR Starry Stonewort.
Contact Scott Palmer 320•249•1333, Jim Bartelme 734•730•7421 or Jim Meinz 320•249•3996 to report any suspicious weeds.
DNR LinksThe following are links to the Minnesota DNR website. They relate directly to the quality and clarity of the water in Grand Lake.
Aquatic Invasive LinksThe following are links to information and identification concerning aquatic invasive species in Minnesota.
Minnesota Lakes & MoreThis area contains a variety of links to help you get started in discovering more about not only Grand Lake, but other lakes in Minnesota. Different shore and land management techniques are offered at many of the sites. You will also find helpful information about how to keep the lake clean and improve the clarity of the water. These links are meant as a starting point.